Last night I went to a Transiberian Orchestra Concert with some of my family. Thanks Linda and Jon for taking us! It was really fun. Crazy lazers, jumping balls of flame, simultanious head banging/hair twirling, rockin' Christmas music. The most amazing part is this story: one of the main guitar guys had been sitting down the entire concert and the main guy told us the story of why. A few weeks earlier the guitar player had tried to jump down a step while he was playing and he slipped, shattered his knee cap, tore his ACL, landed FLAT on his back and DIDN'T MISS A NOTE!!! Seriously kept playing on the ground, flat on his back. Amazing. Amazing! Didn't miss a note. Now, he has been in that 20 years, so he could probably play those songs in his sleep, but like I said, didn't miss a note.
This isn't this year's show, but I'm using it to suppliment my post:
Now I am in MIchigan visiting my friend Brooke! This is going to be a great week.
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