Thursday, September 17, 2009

9:17 Happy Birthday Jeannette!

When I went to my 5 year high school reunion, the question everyone asked me first was, "Where's Jeannette?" to which I answered that she couldn't come, she was somewhere with her husband and two kids (three kids now). But in high school we really were together ALL the time did some crazy fun things. I was really really lucky to have the greatest friends while I was in high school.

Now, I'm no scrapbooker, but one time when I had a broken back and nothing to do I decided to make a little album of pictures solely of Jeannette and myself in high school. I am posting some of it now because 1) I think it is hilarious. We wore the same clothes. We had the same haircut. We had identical handwriting (I will include a note I found in my violin case that we wrote in Economics which, interestingly enough, is partially about how our handwriting is identical, partially about my little cousin saying "flush the man down!" when he was flushing his toilet paper). I honestly don't remember ever thinking, I'm going to buy the same shoes as Jeannette so I can be like her, it was just that we liked the exact same things so if she wanted to buy the same swim suit I already had, who cares? (I do remember copying her ampersands though. That is the one thing I purposly stole. I've always loved ampersands it seems. My handwriting is different now, I must have been subconciously copying her) 2) because it is Jeannette's birthday today! Happy Birthday Jeannette! I will never be able to look at a digital clock that says 9:17 without thinking of her birthday because she used to point it out ALL THE TIME.

So here are some most excellent pages of pictures. The first one does include our great friend Lisa (Mitchell) McNiven as a little shout out to her birthday which was on the 13th. Happy Birthday to Lisa!


Lisa said...

Love it! Thanks for the birthday wish!

heather said...

Woah. I had that same swimsuit when I was in high school, too!

linsey said...

a few thoughts:

1. you broke your back? what the? when + how?

2. love ampersands. love.

3. i ALSO had that same swimsuit in high school!

drew said...

I did not have that same swimsuit in highschool, however that is my football jersey you are wearing so that must count for something...

Musings of a Med Student said...

How did you get the same handwriting as her, or her as you...I always wondered that....