Sunday, December 12, 2010

Glow worms!

There are some famous touristy glow worm caves called Waitomo. We really wanted to see the glow worms but didn't totally want to pay $150 each. THEN we camped in the back yard of the Connelly's and Brother Connelly was taking some people on a tour of a glow worm cave close to his house and he let us come! We went with him with another guide to scout out the cave (he hadn't been there before) and it was very cool. Afterward, the other guy he was with asked if we could help them with the tour, like bring up the rear and carry their gear. Of course we said yes and we became cave guides. People were asking us questions like "how many times a day do you do this?" and I would answer things like, "uhhhh twice today....." It was super fun. And we saw glow worms! I was grossed out by the idea of them hanging on a little string web and glowing until I remembered that I learned everything there was to know about glow worms in James and the Giant Peach. Glow worms make silk like spiders. That is how the Glow Worm helped the Spider make enough string to catch the seagulls and make the peach float. Right. They look like little green stars on the cave roof. Pretty awesome. I love them. And I like how I look like an Oompa Loompa in those blue coveralls.


Tif said...

Masculine in those coveralls...NO just tough :)

drew said...

Let the record state I was not the one that said the word "masculine"...

Ashley Mackay said...

The record states that you started the masculine thing...

Jules said...

Jealous of your Cave Guide status! Love the last pick of you ambling through a random field in a huge jumpsuit :)
We went to a glow worm cave in Waitomo but it was definitely not $150, however I guess that was 5 years ago.