Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I, Ashley Mackay, graphic designer, FINALLY have my very own website. The address is NOT, although you should probably check it out, it is pretty amazing. MY website is A big big thanks to Cody Buell for programming it for me. Feel free to pass the link around to people who might want to give me a job. What do you think of it? I'm pretty happy with it.


The Payne family said...

I for one love it! And one you are right I think I should get some sort of reward for assigning you the middle name of Samantha that you now use as your web address. Thank you.

amanda jane said...

hey, it looks great! I need to get myself a legit site. How much do web designers charge nowadays?

Bruce said...

Looks great, hope you're having fun

sienna said...

looks great! i just had fun catching up on all of you and amalia's adventures. i have had a few people approach me with work lately, so i'll have to send them your info and see if they can use you.